Sunday, 31 August 2014

Positive Attitude

As far back as i can remember.I have heard about the importance of a positive attitude.I heard it from my parents,teachers,coaches.Not only did i hear it i saw the power impact a positive attitude have.I've seen it countless times in the lives of highly successful people.some of them make the news headline and some make headlines in the lives of those around them.A positive attitude is the foundation of success.I have made it my lifework to personally embrace a super-fantastic attitude and help others understand that attitude is impacts our  performance at work and relationships.attitude is the cornerstone upon which we build our lives.The attitude that you carry around makes an incredible difference in your life.It can be a powerful tool for positive action or it can be poison that cripples your ability to fulfill your potential.Your attitude dictates whether you are living life or life is living you,it determines whether you are on the way to success or in the way.You must first understand that the heart is the control center for your attitude to help you develop an attitude that helps you live life to it's fullest.To change your attitude you must change your heart.
      Happiness is yours to create.we all want to be happy.Often we demand too much of life and we set strict criteria for what will make us happy.When those criteria are not met,we develop attitudes that only make matters worse.The basic question you should ask your self is
 *what does it take to make me happy?
* does everyone have to do what you want them to do?
*do you have to be making more money than everyone else?
*do you have to be more powerful than everyone else?
*do you have to be rewarded and recognized for everything you do?
*do you have to be lobe by everyone you know?
       The same attitude spoils many relationship and company.I have seen some fail because one or both of the people involved demanded too much of the other.for true happiness you have to build you attitude from inside's best to look within yourself rather that rely on others and the world around you.Although everyone has an attitude.we don't have the same type of attitude.your attitude reflects you.I have a positive attitude.what about you.if you don't have a positive attitude then you need to work on it for success and better life,but if you do then i will see you at the top.ATTITUDE IS A CHOICE-SomTee

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